GTM highlights we can put to work immediately

Good day PROs!

Consider this week's short a "highlight reel" of key perspectives from our discussions over the last few weeks with experts who are on the front lines of pushing GTM forward. We've already started adopting some of these with our clients!

Kyle Norton - CRO at Owner, Former VP Sales at Shopify

Listen to how methodically Kyle uses data to drive GTM decisions and keep the team straying from ICP, as well as the constant reassessment of that ICP. Brilliant. This top-to-bottom alignment on the key inputs to value creation is rare.

And then every single month, what we're doing to stay as tightly built around our best potential customers, we do a monthly business review, and one of the sections is customer quality… so we can tell … companies that look like this churn higher or lower, and then we feed that back into our scoring algorithms …So we're constantly fine tuning (because) …I'm heavily incentivized to make sure that there's this closed loop and making sure that we're addressing customer churn at the BDR stage, which is a little different.

Mark Kosoglow - Former CRO of Catalyst and Former VP Global Sales of Outreach

Mark emphasizes the value of enriched data over mere accuracy. This requires knowledge of the customer/business as well as creativity.

I have come to the conclusion that basic account and contact data is worthless. It is nothing. It's salt, it's a commodity. It doesn't matter. If I could give you 100 email addresses that are 100% accurate and 100 phone numbers that 100% accurate, you would get x results and it wouldn't be that good, because everybody else on the planet has that information. But if I can (creatively) enrich … that to me is the secret sauce … I think that it's exponentially better to have a less accurate list that is highly enriched with information than it is to have a highly accurate list that has no enrichment.

Jesse Oulette - Founder

Speaking of creative data enrichment, Jesse describes in more detail what this looks like on the ground.Consider what kind of skill sets are needed to make this happen for your company.

If you could take that … large learning model, and you can combine that with the tools … You start to pull in like really unique insights. And I think where there's a real opportunity for companies is the people that actually have the specialized knowledge.

Matt McFee - Co-Founder Inbox Monster; Co-Founder Brite Verify (sold to Validity)

Email for B2B is getting harder by the day, especially to the Enterprise. It's unlikely our sales and marketing teams have visibility on customers/prospects we can't reach, especially to the Enterprise.

It's just as important to then list out all the domains that are a part of their segment that are being blocked. Right? So if for example, mail system or security tool "A" is blocking your messages, what are all the domains in your list that you're not reaching? … So they can (see) … the hundred domains we're not getting messages to. We need to fix that.

Tito Bohrt - Founder of AltiSales

Tito shared a perspective on the market that helps the entire GTM team simplify execution by dividing prospects into 4 groups; open to buy (in-market), open to change, open to buy and "detractors."

But I think people are in one of four mindsets. At any given point, people are either in market, which is, I'm looking forward to taking demos … One out of every 36 (companies are) in the market. 3% … I think about 10% of the market are frustrated with their current solution … open to change. Then about 40 or 50% open to learn … the rest? They're detractors. You can tell them anything you want. They'll be like, I don't want to talk to you. I'm not buying. I don't talk to vendors unless I'm buying.

Connecting the Dots

Combine Kyle's rigorous, full-funnel ICP reinforcement process with the creative enrichment discussed by Mark and Jesse, made smarter by the visibility on deliverability mentioned by Matt, fueled by Tito's simplified approach of open to buy, change, learn and we have the ingredients necessary to make big impacts on our GTM engines!

What was your favorite insight from this group? Reply and let us know!

Until next week,

Gary & Andy

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