



4 Keys to Outbound in 2024

4 Keys to Outbound in 2024

4 Keys to Outbound in 2024

4 Keys to Outbound in 2024

4 Keys to Outbound in 2024

2024 planning is in full swing, so it's crucial to acknowledge a hard truth: succeeding in outbound is becoming increasingly challenging. For outbound to have any impact on the business in 2024, there are 4 key elements.

Slow Down to Speed Up: The Bowling Alley Approach

Instead of blindly chasing new markets with fresh products, focus on what's adjacent to your current strategies. Use the 'bowling alley' concept - target the next pin, which could be an existing market or product, leveraging what already works. Dive deep into overlooked data sources, like lists of former customers or lost deals. They could be goldmines waiting to be rediscovered.

Understand Before You Outreach

Before reaching out, research thoroughly. Know if your prospects have undergone significant changes or if they're interested in new offerings. Avoid the trap of immediately asking for meetings or demos. Instead, provide value first, offering solutions to problems they might not even know they have. How? You know them, use it.

The True Cost of Leads

Remember, leads aren't free. Misusing them can lead to an 'anti-brand' campaign, where prospects tune out due to fatigue or annoyance. Treat every lead like a finite resource.

Actionable Steps

Audit your lead lists. Focus on those that match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Enrich your data with detailed company and contact information. And when you reach out, do it with a personal touch, avoiding direct pitches.

In 2024, make outbound marketing work for YOU by rethinking your approach enabling the buyer to buy and valuing the relationships behind each lead.

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Practical Go-to-Market coaching specifically for B2B software and service companies between $5MM-$50MM in revenue.

Practical Go-to-Market coaching specifically for B2B software and service companies between $5MM-$50MM in revenue.

Practical Go-to-Market coaching specifically for B2B software and service companies between $5MM-$50MM in revenue.